Welcome to
H.T. Farms
of Bedford, PA
who we are
Hi! Thanks for visiting our page! We are Sarah and Jacob, the founders of H.T. Farms. We have found a passion for small scale farming with a focus on environmentally friendly practices.
Contact us: h.t.farmsofbedford@gmail.com
Visit our coop
The Hen House
Here is where our chickens happily live. They have a constant supply of organic feed and fresh water. The coop is strongly sealed from predators and cold weather. The coop was outfitted from an unused storage structure.
The chicken run
Behind the coop, the chicks have a fully fenced and netted run to protect from predators. The run is large, containing trees providing chicken-safe fruit, including organically grown blackberries, raspberries, peaches, plums, blueberries and goji berries.
Free ranging!
Boy do they love to free range, with appropriate supervision of course. They spend their free range time scouring acres of land for bugs. We love this as it naturally keeps down ticks, mosquitos and other pests.